RAF Henlow

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RAF Henlow Engagement - Project Update

The three rounds of community and stakeholder engagement that we have held

so far on RAF Henlow have generated a significant amount of very considered and

very helpful feedback. This has enabled us to define a strong Vision and a set of clear

Development Principles for the redevelopment of the site.

It has also helped shape a Draft Masterplan for the site which addresses the Vision

and the Development Principles and starts to give a feel for where, on site, it might

be appropriate to locate particular elements of the mixed-use scheme that we have

been discussing with you.

We shared the Draft Masterplan with the local community and key stakeholders

back in March and April this year. This, and all of the other information that we have

shared with you is available on the Project Website.

When we met with you earlier this year, we said that we hoped to be in a position

to meet with you again before the school holidays began. However, this has not

been possible. We are continuing with the technical work that need to be completed

in order for us to be satisfied that the proposals for the site can be satisfactorily

accommodated. This work will enable us to evolve the masterplan into a more detailed

document that will give you a clearer picture of how the site could be redeveloped.

As soon as we are in a position to share more information, and a further version of

the masterplan with you, we will be in touch and will announce a fourth round of

community and stakeholder engagement. We are hoping that we will be able to

conduct some of that in face to face settings as opposed to entirely online. But we

will take a view on format nearer the time.

Posted on 23rd August 2021

by Ashleigh Mclellan

Reminder and Briefing Note: Second Series of Engagement Events for RAF Henlow - 28, 30 November and 1 December

We just wanted to remind you that from this weekend we will hold a second series of online engagement events at the following dates and times:

Saturday 28 November - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Saturday 28 November - 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Monday 30 November - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Tuesday 1 December - 1:00pm to 3:00pm

The meetings will be run online via Zoom. To register to join, either click the links above or call freephone 0800 169 6507 or email info@rafhenlow.com

In advance of the meetings we have prepared a briefing note summarising the topics that we propose to discuss during these engagement events. You can view and download this note below.

RAF Henlow - 2nd Public Engagement Event - Participant Briefing Note

If you can't attend the events, please continue to check this Commonplace site for updates and leave your feedback.

Posted on 25th November 2020

by Scott Harker